The Simpson Show and C++ 20 concepts

Learning C++

Read more about that in Chapter 12 of our book.
The Simpsons is one of the oldest and most beloved cartoon TV shows since 1987, and, unless you’ve been living in a cave, you probably know it. In the opening credits of each chapter, Bart Simpson, as the troublemaker he is, repeatedly writes a sentence on a chalkboard, in the old “write it 100 times” punishment. The thing is, each episode features a different sentence Bat writes on the chalkboard, such as “I will not fake seizures”, “Organ transplants are best left to professionals”, “The principal’s toupee is not a Frisbee”, and – well.. you get the idea.

source – wikipedia

And why are we telling you all this? well, throughout this book, we talked about templates more than a few times, and by now, you should have a pretty good idea about the general concept of templates, and…

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Participating in the Phantom Run

Running 12 Km as part of the Phantom Run in North Vancouver.

After 9 Km

The Phantom Run 2021, took place on November 13th. For me, it was an extremely chalanging run with 1/2Km accends and decends, some of them are stiff stairs. It was shocking, being the first time running in this trail. I finally made it and enjoyed a warm soup.

Project for the blind people

As part of a Secured Globe, Inc. project with Freedom Scientific, Inc., the creators of JAWS, and as part of adding support to Albanian, I developed a small tool for converting PDF files into text so another piece of software we develop can convert thousands of e-books in Albanian and using AI techniques, create an optimal list of sentences in the Albanian language that can be recorded and added to the JAWS platform.

Github Repo

Download Link

Github issue with previous versions

I work a lot with Github and we, at Secured Globe, Inc. manage our own repo as well. When our programmers push changes in the source code, I somestime need to revert back and I do that by going to the previous version, download it, and compare to the recent one, then update it and push.

I contacted Github’s support after finding out that when I go to a previous version of the source code, and downloading it, I get the latest version.
This wasn’t like that before and seems to be a bug in their system.

I created a small POC video:

I received the following response today:

Hi Michael,

Thanks for reporting this!

We have had a few reports of this bug over the last couple of days and our engineers are looking in to it. It’s very useful for us to have more data points, so thank you for submitting this report! I’ve passed it on to the team.

As a temporary workaround, you can manually construct the download URL with the commit SHA you want to download:{username}/{projectname}/archive/{sha}.zip

I’m afraid our system is going to mark this ticket as “solved” now that the issue has been created with the engineering team, but that doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten about it! In the meantime, please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you and we will be happy to assist!


GitHub Support