The Simpson Show and C++ 20 concepts

Learning C++

Read more about that in Chapter 12 of our book.
The Simpsons is one of the oldest and most beloved cartoon TV shows since 1987, and, unless you’ve been living in a cave, you probably know it. In the opening credits of each chapter, Bart Simpson, as the troublemaker he is, repeatedly writes a sentence on a chalkboard, in the old “write it 100 times” punishment. The thing is, each episode features a different sentence Bat writes on the chalkboard, such as “I will not fake seizures”, “Organ transplants are best left to professionals”, “The principal’s toupee is not a Frisbee”, and – well.. you get the idea.

source – wikipedia

And why are we telling you all this? well, throughout this book, we talked about templates more than a few times, and by now, you should have a pretty good idea about the general concept of templates, and…

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